Personal Information
When you order, we need to collect and store information for the purpose of providing you with an outstanding service on the website. Such information includes your name, shipping address, billing address, telephone number, email address, credit card number and expiration date. Such information is used to process and fulfill your order.
We use your email and mailing address to inform you of site improvements, feature announcements, and promotional offers that may be of interest to you. If at any time you no longer want to receive our newsletters or product updates, just let us know and we will remove you from our email list.
We use IP Addresses and Cookies in limited ways. An IP address is literally your computer's address and is a unique identifier. We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our website. We do not intentionally link your IP address to your personally identifiable information. Cookies are tiny files placed onto the hard drive of your computer the first time you visit our website. cookies enable our server to "remember" you next time you come back. Cookies do not extract private or personal information from your computer's memory.