Museum Quality Canvas and Prints for Professionals

Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap Canvas
Price: $159.95
Size: 40"x32"
Type: Gallery Wrap (1.5" thick)
Product Name: Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap Canvas
Your photo on this high quality 40"x32" gallery wrap photo canvas is professionally wrapped around a 1.5" thick wood frame. This artistic 40"x32" gallery wrap photo canvas is a great way to show off your photos.
Museum quality photo prints - We use genuine inks and high quality canvas to satisfy even the most demanding professional by providing the finest image quality. This Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap Canvas is archival certified for 100+ years.
Acid-free museum grade fine art canvas - We use the highest quality acid-free and OBA-free canvas for our photo canvas prints. This unique 21 mil heavyweight, quality canvas is the most archival canvas available.
Artists' fine art coating - We apply the fine art coating on this Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap Canvas to provide additional museum level archival protection against color fading, moisture and abrasion.
Keywords for this product - Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap photo canvas, Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap photos on canvas, Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap photo canvas prints, Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap your photo on canvas, Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap giclee printing, Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap canvas printing, Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap canvas photo, Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap photos to canvas, Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap professional canvas print, Babies 40"x32" Gallery Wrap professional canvas printing